Developer Reference Installation ID

Installation ID is
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ENCX can be licensed using a "software" dongle licensing scheme. It can also use a hardware dongle which may be more appropriate in certain situations.

To license ENCX for a particular machine you need to get the Installation ID for that machine. The ID is a string of letters which identifies the product to be licensed and contains information to identify that specific machine. In exchange for this ID Chersoft will issue a dongle-free security (DFS) file. This file can only be decrypted on that specific machine thanks to the machine identity information in the installation ID.

New From version a WPF sample application is included with ENCX called GetInstallationId. This makes it simpler to get hold of the identifier to send it to us so that we can create an ENCX licence for your machine.

The installation ID is obtained through the InstallationID property of an ENCX library object. The short command line sample InstallationId outputs it to the console.

#include "stdafx.h"
#import "encxcom.tlb" rename_namespace("encx")
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
        encx::ILibraryPtr pEncx(__uuidof(encx::Library));
        const _bstr_t bsInstallId = pEncx->DFSInstallationId;
        std::cout << "Installation ID is" << std::endl
                  << LPCTSTR(bsInstallId) << std::endl;
    catch (const _com_error& e)
        std::cout << e.ErrorMessage() << std::endl
                  << e.Description() << std::endl;
    return 0;

When the library object is constructed in the example above no OEM key is specified. As such the 'product' contained in the installation ID is ENCX Default. See the link for more information.