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IGeoPointFormatter Interface Reference

GeoPointFormatter. More...


Inheritance diagram for IGeoPointFormatter:
Inheritance graph


VARIANT_BOOL UseUniversalGrid [get, set]
 Show the position using the UTM or MGRS universal grid, where available. More...
VARIANT_BOOL UseNationalGrid [get, set]
 Show the position using a national grid, where available. When set, this has priority over UseUniversalGrid. More...
LatLonFormat Format [get, set]
 The format to use for latitude and longitude values. This does not affect grid formats. More...
UniversalGridType UniversalGrid [get, set]
 The universal grid format to use. More...

Detailed Description


A class to allow different forms of geographic positions to be output by the GeoPoint.FormattedPosition property.

Note that when both UseUniversalGrid and UseNationalGrid are set to true, UseNationalGrid has priority.

The universal grid used is UTM and this gives global coverage apart from at high latitudes.

When there is no grid coverage, FormattedPosition returns the position using the designated Lat-Lon format.

Definition at line 279 of file encxcom.idl.

Property Documentation

◆ Format

LatLonFormat IGeoPointFormatter::Format

The format to use for latitude and longitude values. This does not affect grid formats.

◆ UniversalGrid

UniversalGridType IGeoPointFormatter::UniversalGrid

The universal grid format to use.

◆ UseNationalGrid

VARIANT_BOOL IGeoPointFormatter::UseNationalGrid

Show the position using a national grid, where available. When set, this has priority over UseUniversalGrid.

◆ UseUniversalGrid

VARIANT_BOOL IGeoPointFormatter::UseUniversalGrid

Show the position using the UTM or MGRS universal grid, where available.